When my son was 5 years old, I would ask him to draw a picture of how he was feeling about something.
The night after the Tooth Fairy visited him, I found this drawing on the kitchen table
When my son was 5 years old, I would ask him to draw a picture of how he was feeling about something.
The night after the Tooth Fairy visited him, I found this drawing on the kitchen table
No snail mail any longer. My grandaughter, Lauren, (6 years old) and I communicate by E-mail now.
Hi Lauren,
How are you?
I am fine today. I hope you feel better… mommie said you are sick. :::HUG::: Here is a hug to keep you better.
Are you playing with your friends?
Yes… I am playing with my friends. My best friend is moving.
I enjoyed being at your house. It was fun!
I miss you and Papa & Peco.
I love you very much.
Please write me back sometime.
Love you,
I love you very very very very very very very much.
My sister, Barbara is a kindergarten teacher in Georgia.
This past weekend she had her hair cut very short. When she went back to school this week a little boy said, Mrs D. you got your hair cut.
Yes, she replied.
Then he said,
My Grandma has a boy haircut too!
Bama aka Mary Louise
We visited with our daughter and her family the last of January.
It was fun to be with them. They recently moved to Missouri.
We were eating at a barbeque place when this picture was taken.
That is me holding Lauren. Michael in background, Mike, Melissa and my husband John.
This is a picture of John and me at Big Cedar Lodge in the Ozarks.
This is a picture of our daughter, Melissa and our son-in-law, Mike at Big Cedar Lodge.
We consider Mike our...Son!
We had such a good time and the children did not want us to leave but it was a good 12 hour drive back to Ohio. We home traveled on interstate 70 with every big truck in the world!!!!!
It is good to be home again with memories of a fun week in the beautiful Ozarks!