Sunday, April 18, 2004


Christopher will be 8 years old in May.

He is smart and thoughtful. He loves elephants and always has.

I asked him what he would like for me to write in this journal about him.

He said he would have to get back to me on it. He would have to think some.

Christopher is our thinker! His face lights up a room when he smiles and he has the most beautiful blue eyes! He will be the grandson that will appear in the pages of G.Q one day.

Maybe he will get back to me about what to write, maybe not!  I'll just have to write some stories about his younger days!

I Love You, Christopher!

Bama AKA Mary Louise



Anonymous said...

Handsome young man. Don't forget to share what he tells you. Elephants are my favorite too.

Anonymous said...

hes a doll.....

Anonymous said...

Does Christopher love elepahants because he loves you, and you love the Crimson Tide? =)
Each one of your grandchildren are precious!  I also loved the pic of you, Melissa and Sheri!  And I loved the pic of the ducks taking a swim in your pool =)

Your trip to the beach sounds very fun for everyone!  What a great family!
