Wednesday, May 19, 2004


Cameron is 5 years old.

He was diagnosed with Juvenile Diabetes when he was 3 years old.

He is doing great and does his own finger pricks.  I think that he adjusted to his diabetes better than we did.

His Mom and Dad have taken this in stride and do not treat him any different than they do the other 3 children.

Before he was diagnosed, he was difficult and didn't like to be hugged or loved by me. Now, he is the most loving child and I enjoy being around him and I love his hugs and kisses!

Bama  aka  Mary Louise


Anonymous said...

awee that must be honey was just diagnosed with type 2 about a year ago..and we are struggling with it.....u have a wonderful journal and i love seeing your grandbabies...

Anonymous said...

He is handsome! I think kids do adjust better than us. We always are looking at future problems and they take it one day at a time.