Wednesday, April 20, 2005


My sister, Betty is in Missouri visiting with my daughter and her family for the week.

Betty called this morning to tell me what Lauren said last night.

They were at a restaurant waiting for my daughter and her husband to get there. They were in the restaurants loft waiting and the bar tender came over and asked if they would like something to drink. Betty ordered and asked Michael and Lauren what they would like to drink.

Lauren ordered a Shirley Temple and Michael spoke up and said her wanted a big sprite.

The bartender said, are you sure that you want a large, they are really big.

Lauren looked at the bartender and said,

Yes, he does....He is a Big Drinker!

Betty nearly fell out of her chair laughing. The bartender laughed all the way to back for the drinks and all the way back to their table.

Bama   aka  Mary Louise

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh, they are just too cute!!!!